Pentagon TECHPulse, August 2016


For over almost half a century, from innovation to implication, technology has come a long way. We are heading toward Internet of Things: a world of myriad objects capable of generating and transferring data. In this scenario, datafication of devices; tracking, remote-sensing and such others will generate real-time data and insights. As a matter of fact, with ever increasing digitization of businesses, real-time and mobile data generation is on the spree. Here, as Big Data takes over to clear the messiness, advanced Analytics capabilities to manage privacy and security of data will become multi-polar and fluid.

Pentagon TECHPulse, December 2016

Cloud computing has revolutionized the way we look at infrastructure and software services.

Today, there is no field that has remained untouched by its magic. Every sector from IT to sales has benefitted tremendously from Cloud. With Cloud more and more businesses have found the freedom to concentrate on their core business. There is also the convenience of utilizing the latest technology without having to actually invest in buying it. Enterprises and SMBs are wholeheartedly embracing this service.

This is clearly evident from the fact that enterprises plan to use a portfolio of clouds, with 82% reporting a multi-cloud strategy as compared to 74% in 2014. Organizations are gradually moving their storage, services and applications to Cloud.

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